Since January 2020, Impact Justice has gathered data to assess and evaluate Grounded’s education initiative.

We collected data from a variety of sources, including meetings with key stakeholders.

In January 2022, the research team collaborated with Grounded’s leadership to develop a logic model to identify and track Grounded’s programmatic goals and outcomes.

The comprehensive evaluation of Grounded’s education program has yielded consistent outcomes every year.


Over 2,700 people have participated in Grounded programming and curriculum experiences.

Participants reported a growth in their creative expression which was attributed to specific elements that are central to both the educational curriculum and Grounded’s overall framework.

Grounded’s investment in relationship-building also impacted adult collaborators, who felt supported throughout the program.

Students felt comfortable growing and sharing because of the intentional and supportive space created in the classroom.

Connecting students to a diverse community of artists introduced mediums, and expanded their definition of artistry.

The curriculum and activities inspired students to create and share their artwork.

Interviews with students also highlighted that creating and sharing artwork inspired students to develop their creativity, and receiving feedback from peers and staff helped increase their confidence in their abilities.


Before, I saw art as a fixed box. I see it differently now, as something you put your passion into.

— Student

I’m more confident in my abilities. I compared myself to what other people did, but now I don’t compare myself and I’m happy with the work I am able to produce.

— Student

It’s one of the first places, if not the only place, I’ve felt my entire life can be shared... I could easily talk about my experience in law enforcement, as well as experiences in art and mindfulness and movement, and being a father.

— Adult Collaborator

Before the program I wouldn’t express my feelings towards my parents and after going through the modules and experience I could use the different ways to express my feelings towards other people, I use with my parents, to talk to my mom, when something is going great or something is going wrong thanks to the Grounded curriculum it made it easier.

— Student